#TreatYourCustodian this National Custodial Workers Recognition Day

Posted on: September 12, 2022
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Let’s take care of those who take care of us

October 3rd, 2022 is GDI Integrated Facility Services’ 8th annual celebration of National Custodial Workers Recognition Day, and this one is going to be our greatest (or we should say relaxing) one yet!

After two years of working from home and the pandemic taking a toll on the mental and physical health of the world, we are finally reunited with our hardworking custodians who have worked tirelessly on the front-lines to take care of our spaces and buildings. Our theme for National Custodial Workers Recognition Day is self-care, and that means taking care of those who take care of us.

Mental and physical health has become increasingly important, and many are speaking out about the effects of burnout. Treating ourselves with respect and self-care activities like massages, coffee, and spa days is becoming more common and important to us as a society, so we’d like to show the same care and respect that our custodians give us when they take care of the facilities where we live, work, and play.

That’s why we’re crossing out the “self” in “treat yourself” for this campaign, and replacing it with “custodian”. We’re launching a photo contest on our LinkedIn with a simple challenge:

#Treatyourcustodian: with flowers, respect, kindness, coffee, a gift card, or simply something to make them smile.

Take a photo or video of your custodian and their treat (with their permission of course) and post it on LinkedIn with #Treatyourcustodian, and tag @GDI Integrated Facility Services

Tell their story! And explain what you did for them in the caption (please include their name and location)

Enter the #Treatyourcustodian photo contest from September 20-23 to WIN one of two iRobot Roomba 692’s or one of two Ninja Foodi Airfryers for the custodian you featured. Winners will be chosen based on the highest number of likes and shares received – so spread the word to treat YOUR custodian. This contest is open to all Canadian residents (excluding Quebec), and one out of two of both the grand and secondary prizes will be awarded to entries made by non-GDI employees or clients.

The contest winners will be announced on National Custodial Workers Recognition Day, and we will be sharing our favorite photos, videos, and stories on GDI’s social media pages as well! For the full terms and conditions of the contest, please click here.

We were also recently inspired by a popular youtuber who posted a video surprising one of our custodians with flowers, so we wanted to do the same. Check out this compilation video of our team surprising our custodians!


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